C.A.R.E. / F.I.R.E.

C.A.R.E. (Community Action to Reach Elderly) provides safety modifications for low income elderly, homebound seniors and other qualifying persons in Jackson County. C.A.R.E. limits its efforts to those projects involving carpentry. Services provided through C.A.R.E. include, but are not limited to:
- Construction of recyclable (wooden) wheelchair ramps, built to meet Jackson County building codes and the American's with Disabilities Act specifications.
- Installation of temporary aluminum ramps for short term and/or emergency use.
- Construction of new and/or safer senior designed steps
- Installation of hand rails inside and outside to effect safer movement for seniors in their living environment.
- Installation of grab bars and/or hand held showers for bathing safety.
- Installation of smoke detectors.

F.I.R.E. (Fuel Intervention for Rural Elderly) is a program at the Department on Aging that cuts, splits, and delivers firewood to low income seniors who depend on firewood for their primary heating and/or cooking fuel. The F.I.R.E. staff, with the help of volunteer groups, distribute the donated wood all over Jackson County. Each year around 200 loads of wood are delivered.
For more information on C.A.R.E. / F.I.R.E. or to volunteer call 828-586-5494.